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Knowledge hub

This is a place where you can dig deeper into our foundations. Here we have compiled information around three different knowledge areas relevant for the project Arctic Food Arena. The content is providing an introduction to some of the most important insights that guide our work and our aims.


Knowledge material has been developed by Coest AB, September 2023.


Sustainable business

In just a few decades, the metabolism of the global economy will be fundamentally changed, as fossil fuels are replaced by renewable energy. 

And the whole paradigm of take – make – waste, will need to be replaced by circular models. 

s is at the same time an immense challenge, and an unprecedented business opportunity. 

Industrial symbiosis

The prospects of new industrial clusters in Gällivare and other places in Norrbotten are rooted in the possibilities of industrial symbiosis. 

It´s all about making the most out of the resources that become available by the diversity of new operations developing. 

The food system

Since food production is the initial focus in building a new cluster of industries working in symbiosis, knowledge and insights around the sector at large are pivotal.   

The ability to grow
and produce healthy and tasty food with locally sourced inputs, will be increasingly decisive for local and national welfare.  


Connect with us on LinkedIn

For the latest updates on Arctic Food Arena, including events, opportunities for dialogue, project developments and more, follow us on LinkedIn. 

Partners in Sustainable Innovation

Gällivare Näringsliv AB is driving Arctic Food Arena forward, with the support of the European Regional Development Fund and Region Norrbotten. Join us in making it an epicenter of innovation and create a patchwork of diversified circular food production.  

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Arctic Food Arena

Gällivare Näringsliv AB

Centralplan 4

982 31 Gällivare

Phone +46 72 580 81 88 556252-3281

©2024 Gällivare Näringsliv AB

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