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The project

The aim of the project is to tackle today’s challenges and needs by establishing an international test bed for large scale circular production of food in an artic climate, as part of an industrial symbiosis. 

Our theory of change describes how different parts of the project are connected, from challenges to activities and the results of the activities. This theory is based on the project application and changes might occur during the project, especially in planned activities that lead to a long-term effect.​ 


Where we are heading

Challenges & needs

Increased self-sufficiency through food production.​ 

Non-diversed business structure in Gällivare.​ 

Large amounts of waste heat from industries. ​


Lack of whole picture and capacity to prioritise, plan, execute and coordinate different initiatives.​ 

​Missing model for circular and sustainable food production.​ 


Need for competence, experience and people within the food sector. 


Planned activities

Form and establish the (test bed’s) organization.

Make Arctic Food Arena visible for research and innovation.​ 

Model development for industrial symbiosis. 

Expected results

Short term: 
Organization for test bed in place.​ 
Long-term relationship with companies and R&I​ 

Model for industrial symbiosis in Gällivare 

Long term: 
Increased food security.​ 

Industrial symbiosis around the new businesses. 

Expected long term effect

Long-term sustainable and attractive business life in Norrbotten and Gällivare. ​ 

Good example for other places.​ 

Large-scale sustainable production of food that satisfies large parts of the Swedish population's annual need. 

Our compass

We navigate by always keeping 4 goals in our heads.





How it all began

On June 16th, 2022, Gällivare hosted the Demo North Summit, welcoming business leaders, investors, innovators, and political decision-makers from around the world to explore how we are leading the global industrial transition toward green industry. The second day of the Demo North Summit was live-streamed from Kunskapshuset Gällivare. Thomas Parker spoke about how the Swedish company WA3RM is planning to build a large-scale facility for cultivating locally produced vegetables and fish in Gällivare. This production facility will be powered by waste heat from HYBRIT, a joint venture between LKAB, SSAB, and Vattenfall, and it will become the largest project in Sweden to utilize waste heat.

– We are a facilitator and an integrator and we have  a business model which brings together the industries with waste resoursers and heat with farmers and growers that can make use of that.

Thomas Parker, one of the founders of WA3RM AB

Watch the replay of the Demo North conference in Gällivare, June 16 2022


Connect with us on LinkedIn

For the latest updates on Arctic Food Arena, including events, opportunities for dialogue, project developments and more, follow us on LinkedIn. 

Partners in Sustainable Innovation

Gällivare Näringsliv AB is driving Arctic Food Arena forward, with the support of the European Regional Development Fund and Region Norrbotten. Join us in making it an epicenter of innovation and create a patchwork of diversified circular food production.  

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Arctic Food Arena

Gällivare Näringsliv AB

Centralplan 4

982 31 Gällivare

Phone +46 72 580 81 88 556252-3281

©2024 Gällivare Näringsliv AB

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